Wednesday, 13 November 2013

October round-up (belated)

You know all those random photos you take on your phone? Well, I like to put them here, at the end of the month, to show the little things that made that month unique. I’m a bit behind on this one, so here goes:

We celebrated Yvonne’s 27th with a dinner at Asian Legend, cocktails at chez McGuire/Kwok, and dancing at Dance Cave. Sandra made an appearance and taught us all how to do her infamous poses.


Chris cooked up some of the best hamburgers I have ever eaten. They had cheese in the middle, sandwiched in the patty, and we made a homemade mayo/ketchup/relish “special sauce” from my Bite Me cookbook. It was SO GOOD. He grilled them up on the rooftop and we ate them, snuggled in hoodies, as we looked out at the twinkling city lights. The next day, I made a left-over one for dins.


I finally got my coveted baby blue cable knit sweater from the Gap! Yay! I also purchased some leopard flats to round out my autumn wardrobe.


On a particularly busy evening, Chris came over with grocery bags laden with ingredients for a fresh chef’s salad. OMGsogood.


I took the train home to Niagara a few times. I absolutely love Niagara in the fall. I especially love the apple orchards, and the gorgeous autumnal displays at the orchard down the street from my parent’s.


Kendra, in anticipation of my arrival home, made me a “snack”. She ran into the kitchen and put an apple and a banana in a little container for me to enjoy when I got back from the train station. Too cute! Love her.


Kendra, Maxx, and I had fun raking up all the little leaves in the front yard, and then jumping in/throwing them all around.


I savoured every walk to and from campus, especially past all the gorgeous red-leafed trees. Autumn was warm and pretty this year.


Speaking of school, check out the photo below of the classroom we have to learn in this year. Yes, those are pews. Yes, those are little bible perches that are too high for anyone to use properly. Ah well, that’s what $28k in tuition will get ya.


Chris and I took the train to Niagara for Thanksgiving. We walked to the orchard, where Chris met his little kitten friend, Juan. I oohed and ahhed over the produce. Doesn’t this place just scream “photoshoot”?


We also went to Grafton for Chris’ family's Thanksgiving. His sister, Candace, hosted at her new house. The following weekend we drove up there again for a charity dance at the local Legion. The harvest moon was STUNNING on our drive up there. It’s hard to tell from the photo below, but it was massive. Chris pulled over so I could get a proper shot on my phone. Candace & Chris, Matt & Vanessa, and Chris & I attended. We drank lots, danced lots, and bid too much on all the silent auction prizes. Whoops. Chris ended up with two group of seven prints and a pack of hockey cards from 1991. #drunkbidding #don’trecommend



Chris’ garden is in full harvest-mode. We picked so many tomatoes, and I was forced to make roasted tomato soups, tomato salads, tomato toast, and tomato casseroles for a couple of weeks! Not complaining! Chris made some green tomato relish with those that hadn’t ripened. We also enjoyed a ton of rainbow Swiss chard, spicy cayenne peppers, baby eggplant, herbs galore (parsley, chives, basil, sage, thyme, rosemary, stevia), bell peppers, garlic, cabbage, and strawberries.


We also received some really good news this month – I’ll be staying in Toronto! I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. I’ll never forget the moment I told Chris. It was one of those special experiences that we’ll remember forever; knowing that I’ll be in the same city as him and having that weight lifted from our shoulders. We finished off the month by carving some pumpkys and roasting up their seeds. All in all, October was fantastic. So full of good friends, good hearty fall food, lots of family time, and some amazing news that we had been waiting for. November, this one will be hard to beat!

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