A blustery and downright chilly Tuesday evening turned into a sunny warm Wednesday morning. I met up with Amanda and, Starbucks in tow, we walked downtown to do some shopping. We had so much fun talking about my upcoming move to New York City, and making plans for her to visit me. When our feet began to ache like crazy due to the newness of sandals, we ducked onto the patio of Fire on the East Side for some lunch. With a Caesar and a caipirinha, we started planning the menu of my BBQ I decided to host on Thursday.
After parting ways with Amanda, I met up with Chris. He whisked me down Bloor Street to Coach and Cole Haan, where he graciously invited me to choose whatever wallet I wanted, as a going away “remember me in NYC” type of gift. Such a sweet man, I have. I chose a black butter leather Cole Haan wallet – classic and functional, and I’ll have it forever. I felt so giddy being able to pick whatever I wanted from the store – I’m pretty sure that is every girl’s dream, right?
Last night I hosted an impromptu rooftop BBQ. Amanda, Chris and I set up shop out at the tables at 5:00 to secure our spots, and we forced Chris to start barbecuing stuff to hold our spot on the grills. Everyone brought something yummy – Karen and Ben brought chips and hamburgers/buns, Amanda made grilled veggies and tofu, Serpy brought home-made guacamole with chips and sliced tomatoes and spinach for the burgers, I made a quinoa salad and had sausages with buns, and Chris made mini roasted potatoes with sour cream and green onions. We feasted. To top it all off, Yvonne brought dark chocolate Haagen Daz for everyone! With full tummies and cold hands, we moved the party back down to the warmth of my suite. Chris and Ben ducked out to the LCBO to grab some more wine (since we heard that the workers are striking on the long weekend). The rest of the evening was spent playing Cranium! I love my friends, and am so lucky to have such a tight-knit group of people here in the city!